Stop the Rise of the Evil Teddies When Sneaky Bears Appears on PlayStation VR This Week

Last week VRFocus reported on WarDucks announcing the release of its third virtual reality (VR) title for Samsung Gear VR, Sneaky Bears. Today the studio has revealed the not so cuddly teddy bears are coming to PlayStation VR this week, with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive versions in the pipeline.

WarDucks’ first release on console and desktop VR platforms, Sneaky Bears features Frank, a twisted Teddy Bear Mastermind, who has taken over a toy factory and created an army of evil teddy bears to help with his quest to take over the world. Frank is sarcastic and ruthless, making his army of teddy bear minions in his own image.

Sneaky Bears Promo 2

In this first-person shooter (FPS) players have three game modes to complete (Fire, Bomb and Survival), each one with different bears to kill and a variety of weapons such as a toy gun, shotgun, water gun, and freeze gun. Complete five rounds in each mode to unlock a boss level.

“We are all very excited about this release”, said Nikki Lannen, WarDucks founder and CEO in a statement. “The team had worked tirelessly and the result, Sneaky Bears, is a nice tribute to the 80’s alongside being a fun and entertaining title. We’re thrilled to finally be able to share it.

“This game will make you jump, laugh, and even potentially cry. Most folks are unable to put it down. It’s a great game for all ages and a super spectator game!”

Sneaky Bears will launch on PlayStation VR in the US on 29th of August and in Europe on 31st of August at a $19.99 USD/£19.99 GBP price point. As for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive versions, WarDucks has yet to confirm a release date.

For the latest updates from WarDucks, keep reading VRFocus.