Methods of movement in virtual reality (VR) experiences has evolved into something of a contentious issue. The team behind Early Access title The Wizards is therefore seeking help from the community to test different locomotion style in its title in order to find the right balance.
So far, many developers have been choosing to ‘play it safe’ and only offer locomotion methods such as teleportation in order to create a more comfortable experience. This is due to persistent issues with ‘simulation sickness’ that can be caused by the disconnect between what you are seeing and what your body feels. As VR technology advances, however, that issue is becoming less relevant, leading to some critics accusing developers of laziness or lack of creativity when they only offer the most basic fixed teleport locomotion method.
Carbon Studio promised its audience from that it intended to bring both free movement and free teleportation into the title, but since they are a small team on a tight budget, they have reached out to the community for assistance in testing these new features. Users who own a copy of The Wizards on Steam and have time to test the new features and fill in the post-Beta survey can apply to be part of the Beta test by applying through the Steam page.
The Wizards is a first-person Fantasy adventure title that puts the player in the shoes of a young man tasked with defending the land from hordes of monsters, forced to learn how to wield powerful magic in order to stop the creatures you face. Magic is performed using gesture controls using the motion controllers like the Oculus Touch or HTC Vive wands to cast powerful lighting bolts or fireballs.
Further information and updates, along with the link to apply to the Beta test, is available on the Steam page.
VRFocus will continue to bring you news on The Wizards and other VR projects.