Wargaming to Showcase VRTech’s Polygon VR and Cinema VR at Gamescom 2017

Earlier this month VRFocus reported on World of Tanks developer Wargaming.net announcing a partnership with Russian virtual reality (VR) specialist VRTech, to bring the latter’s location-based immersive experiences to Europe. Well that’s happening sooner rather than later with Wargaming.net’s stand at Gamescom 2017 to showcase Polygon VR and Cinema VR.

Polygon VR and Cinema VR are essentially two sides of the same coin. The first provides the experiences and tech required to play in VR, with VRTech creating its own in-house first-person shooter (FPS), a ‘School of Magic’ team exercise and a puzzle solving adventure, all of which are multiplayer based.

VRTech - CinemaVR

While Cinema VR is the location solution that VRTech franchises out to various locations across Russia. With enough play area for up to four people.

Alongside VRTech, Wargaming.net will also have plenty of tank related stuff going on, taking up 1400 m² of show floor with new iterations of World of Tanks on PC and consolesWorld of Warships, and a public world premiere of Creative Assembly’s Total War: ARENA.

Talking about Gamecom 2017, Victor Kislyi, CEO of Wargaming said: “For Wargaming and each of our employees, who are gamers by heart, the shows and meetings at our two gamescom booths are the highlight of each year. We are so proud to finally unveil all our latest achievements, future games and put on a great show to our true fans plus thousands of new players. We’ll have chance to chat, get their feedback and deliver truly legendary and fun experience during five amazing days in Cologne. This is also our chance to meet most of our current and potential future partners in person to strengthen our business relationships and to be even more successful together in the future.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Wargaming.net, reporting back with the company’s latest VR projects.