Radial-G: Racing Revolved Getting Boxed Edition on PlayStation 4

The long awaited PlayStation 4 edition of Radial-G: Racing Revolved is nearly with us, but prior to release developer Tammeka Games has revealed to VRFocus that a retail boxed edition of the videogame will be made available alongside the digital edition on PlayStation Network. Set to launch in September 2017, both editions of the videogame will be fully compatible with PlayStation VR.

Radial-G new ships screenshot 4A futuristic racing videogame built for virtual reality (VR), Radial-G: Racing Revolved has received significant acclaim since its reveal way back in 2014. The videogame has seen many updates since that debut, including the most recent addition of weapons. The PlayStation 4 version will launch with parity to its PC counterpart, including the arsenal of weaponry added late last year.

Radial-G: Racing Revolved has been in development for PlayStation VR for nearly three years. An Oculus Rift edition arrived alongside the consumer launch of the head-mounted display (HMD) and a HTC Vive version followed shortly thereafter. Next month Tammeka Games will complete the trifecta of high-end HMDs with the launch of Radial-G: Racing Revolved on PlayStation VR.

However, this launch has not been without incident. In a tweet last week Tammeka Games promised that the release date would be announced today. Though VRFocus can confirm that Radial-G: Racing Revolved will launch in September, a specific date remains unavailable. Speaking to VRFocus, Sam Watts, Director of Immersive Technologies at Make Real, operating as Game Producer at Tammeka Games, stated:

“In our excitement of hearing the news we are clear to launch on Sony PlayStation VR, we jumped the gun before having everything aligned for revealing the release date properly. We can say Radial-G : Racing Revolved will definitely be released in September for Sony PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR, we just can’t say exactly when yet… but all the details of the digital and boxed releases will be available soon.”

Radial-G new ships screenshot 2Despite this missfire, Radial-G: Racing Revolved will undoubtedly remain high on many PlayStation VR owner’s wish lists. VRFocus will of course keep you updated with all the latest details as Radial-G: Racing Revolved races to the finish line on PlayStation 4.
