Ah, Comic-Con. Bastion of television and feature film news and reveals… oh and comics as well I suppose. (There are comics there still, right?) San Diego has been bid fairwell for another year as the event continues to get bigger and louder and more important. Already a mecca for pop-culture enthusiasts, it’s even busier, as amazing as that seems, behind the scenes.
As such Entertainment Weekly have created a little video showcasing what you and the show going public do not. A look at the media responsibilities the stars face as they are all led into the publication’s studio for photos before they are rapidly whisked off to their next assignment.
Filmed in time-lapse (and with some gratuitous cuts) using the Samsung Gear 360 and broadcast via OmniVirt, watch as the casts of Westworld, Thor: Ragnarok, Dr. Who (past and present), Arrow, Teen Wolf, Fear The Walking Dead and many, many more are whisked in for cast and individual photos in one of the two booths crammed into a corner away(ish) from onlookers as staff make plans and take additional footage and edit on the booths not in use.
You can see the video below. VRFocus will be back on Friday with another video utilizing 360 degrees.