Swim With Sharks in Upcoming Room-Scale VR Experience

Several virtual reality (VR) titles have used the ocean depths as a setting for adventures and puzzle solving, or simply a fight to stay alive. Perhaps its the expansive, mysterious nature of the sea that keeps drawing developers in that direction. A new title that is set to offer something a bit more relaxed is Operation Apex.

Operation Apex is an upcoming room-scale VR experience being developed by developers Curioscope. It is the studio’s second attempt at creating a VR experience, and they have chosen expand upon their previous effort, Great White Sharks, a 360-degree video that aimed to correct the misconception of sharks as vicious creatures.

Curioscope’s success with Great White Sharks have led them to create an expansive adventure that offers VR users the chance to have the experience of deep-sea diving, something that in the real world is only available to select highly-trained individuals. Operation Apex is designed to allow users to interact with sharks and other sea creatures like whales, squid and schools of fish, acting in the role of a Marine Biologist trying to learn more about life under the ocean. In addition, the creatures in Operation Apex are able to react to the player’s presence, though the developers have been coy about exactly how this will affect gameplay.

Further details on the development and progress of Operation Apex can be found on the Curioscope website. The developers are hoping to have Operation Apex released for HTC Vive some time in Q4 of 2017.

An announcement trailer for Operation Apex is available to view below.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Operation Apex as it becomes available.