Croteam Announce Skill Tree for Serious Sam: The Last Hope

Croteam have been fairly regular about updating virtual reality (VR) title Serious Sam: The Last Hope. The developers have announced that the latest update will include a Skill Tree for the first time.

The new skill tree system will allow players to earn skill points by completing planets. The higher the difficulty the area is, the great the reward when it is cleared. The skill tree provides options to unlock new weapon options along with new active and passive skills.

Some of the skills that will be made available through Skill Tree unlocks include powers such as tactical orbital lasers, the ability to slow down time, create holographic decoys or overcharge your weapons, players can also find more exotic options like the ability to release an army of spiders, or swarms of quadcopters to harass enemies, or go for the simple option and simply create massive explosions to blow things up.

Serious Sam VR The Last Hope Valtos Update

The development team say the new skill tree is designed to offer a true sense of progression, as well as reward players who take the risky route by offering greater rewards for greater risks. Powerful weapon unlocks can be found by completing a ‘perfect’ run, which is limited to one per planet per difficulty level, offering an additional incentive to up the difficulty.

The new update also offers the expected bug fixes and minor improvements, along with some improvements to stability. There have been some reports of players experiencing problems with the new patch, for which Croteam propose using the ‘Previous Version’ branch as a workaround until a permanent fix is found.

Further information and updates can be found on the Steam page.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news and updates on the Serious Sam VR titles.