ObEN Raises Funding to Create AI Celebrity Avatars for AR

ObEN is a company primarily focussed on the creation of the next generation of artificial intelligence (AI). With AI and machine learning poised to change the landscape for videogames and computing in general, ObEN has announced that it has secured funding to build a celebrity AI platform in augmented reality (AR).

The $5 Million (USD) in funding that ObEN have acquired was led by Tencent Holdings, a company already known for promoting and funding virtual reality (VR) and AR companies and projects.

ObEN is planning to use the money raised to create, store and distribute a Personal AI, something that looks, acts and sounds just like it’s real-life counterpart. ObEN is using a combination of speech, computer vision, and natural language processing to create a realistic virtual voice, 3D avatar image and even personality. ObEN is planning to make this technology available to tech-savvy celebrities so they can interact with fans and enter new markets without needing to travel or divide their time.

“As technology rapidly evolves and moves towards applications using AI, we are excited by ObEN and their AI solution which is poised to enrich user experiences across different online platforms,” said Levin Yao, Executive Director of Tencent Investment. “ObEN’s vision of creating a new form of entertainment and content driven by celebrity AI is inspiring.”

“We are thrilled with Tencent’s strategic investment which serves as validation from one of the world’s premier social and gaming platforms,” said Nikhil Jain, cofounder and CEO of ObEN, Inc. “Fans may never have a personal experience with their favorite celebrity, but ObEN’s Personal AI for celebrities aims to change that. Imagine being able to perform a virtual duet with your favorite artist, have your beloved movie star become the face and voice of your virtual assistant, or engage in a deep conversation with your most admired influencer. The possibilities are infinite.”

ObEN are expecting the new AR platform to launch later this year.

VRFocus will bring you further news on ObEN’s AR platform as it becomes available.