The Best Oculus Rift Games of 2017 So Far

It’s already halfway through 2017 and what a year it’s been for Oculus Rift. There’s been highs and lows for the company and Facebook, restructuring, people leaving, lawsuits and so much more. But where you, the customer, are concerned it’s all about playing great videogames on the first high-end head-mounted display (HMD) to come to market. Last year saw some amazing experiences launch, whether you’re into titles that offer multiplayer, puzzles, strategy, scares, engaging story lines or anything else, there’s been something for everyone. So looking at what’s been released over the course of 2017, VRFocus has decided to compile a roundup of the five best videogames that have made their way to the headset.

Recently virtual reality (VR) fans who already own an Oculus Rift have been able to stock up on discounted videogames with both the Oculus Store and Steam having run their usual summer sales, offering some hefty discounts on a wide selection of titles. If you didn’t take advantage this time there’s always the winter sales to grab a few choice bargains.

Oculus Touch

But you maybe new to the VR world. Oculus is in the process of running a massive hardware discount which started this week. When the headset originally launched it was $599 USD. Then in December 2016 Oculus Touch arrived for $200, making it the same price as HTC Vive. Then in March Oculus slashed the price to $598 for the headset and wireless motion controllers. This week’s unprecedented offer saw the company drop that price down to $399 for a limited time.

This now makes the Oculus Touch with Rift the cheapest headset out of HTC Vive and Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) PlayStation VR (previously the cheapest), making it a far more attractive proposition for consumers waiting for a decent deal. With that in mind there’s more than likely going to be an influx of new Oculus Rift owners who’ll be keen to know what videogames they should be looking at purchasing.

That’s where VRFocus has got you covered, picking the best of the latest titles to come to the headset over the last few months. If you’re new to the platform there are many great experiences to also play from 2016, but for now lets concentrate on 2017. These sort of lists will always be divisive, players will of course have their favourites which they spend many an hour in, but not everything can be included.

So this roundup not only covers the best titles available for Oculus Rift, but also a wide selection of the genres and gameplay options available to owners no matter what takes their fancy. As always VRFocus encourages you add your own personal favourites in the comments below if it’s not listed here.