Wild West Management Sim Dino Frontier Receives Official PlayStation VR Launch Date

During last year’s PlayStation Experience in December, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) showcased a few titles for PlayStation VR during the showcase, mainly all sandwiched into one long trailer. One of those was Dino Frontier, a quirky looking management sim from Uber Entertainment that mashed up the Wild West with dinosaurs. Today, the studio has revealed an official launch date for the title, 1st August 2017.

For fans of videogames like The Sims or Theme ParkDino Frontier is all about building and managing a frontier settlement with a twist, there’s also a few dinosaurs to deal with as well.  Assuming the role of Mayor, players overlook their settlement in tabletop-style virtual reality. From this lofty viewpoint they’ll be able to pickup settlers to direct them to harvest food, chop lumber, train dinosaurs, fight off bandits and more, all while carefully balancing resources to grow the town.

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Players will be able intuitively control the camera to their liking, with Uber Entertainment offering zoom in, zoom out, pan, and rotate options for the best view.

In terms of the dino aspect, they replace the more common horses or bison seen in Wild West style titles. So players will be able to capture velociraptors, ankylosauri, even a Tyrannosaurus Rex to aid settlers in their endeavours.

At launch, PlayStation VR owners will be able to purchase the videogame digitally for $29.99 USD, while PlayStation Plus members can pre-order starting today with a 20 percent discount.

Checkout the new trailer below, and for further updates on Dino Frontier, keep reading VRFocus.