VR Arcade Company THE VOID Joins Disney Accelerator Program

The Disney accelerator Program is now in its fourth year of operation. The Program is designed to help companies who Disney believe are creating the future of entertainment by offering them access to Disney’s leadership along with resources and support that they previouly could not have reached. This year’s additions to the program sees location-based virtual reality (VR) company THE VOID join the accelerator program.

THE VOID are perhaps best known for creating the out-of-home VR experience Ghostbusters: Dimension which has been exhibited at New York’s Madame Tussauds and will soon be launching at The Rec room in Toronto, Canada in association with Cineplex.


Cliff Plumer, the CEO of THE VOID had this to say on joining the accelerator program: “Our team at THE VOID has created something amazing. And we could not be more honored to have that hard work and vision noticed by Disney. We’re thrilled to have this opportunity to work alongside these innovators who share our passion to create magical and memorable entertainment attractions,” Plumer said, “There is much to be learned from Disney, a company that crosses the boundaries of space and time, transcending languages and generations, bringing together people of all ages and nationalities. But most importantly, Disney brings more imagination, magic, and fantasy to the world. And we are inspired and motivated to embark on this next phase of our journey alongside them.”

Epic Games, the creators of the Unreal Engine that powers several VR titles and the creators of popular VR shooter Robo Recall have also joined the program.

“The Disney Accelerator has provided The Walt Disney Company incredible opportunities to connect with and be inspired by many talented entrepreneurs from all over the world,” said Michael Abrams, Senior Vice President, Innovation, The Walt Disney Company. “This year, more than ever, we are working with companies with the potential to help define the future of media and entertainment together with Disney.”

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on developments from within the VR industry.