Blocks by Google Launches for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

3D modelling is a difficult business. The available tools to make 3D creations and complex, unwieldy for beginners and often demand very high-spec PCs to run. Google, seeking to solve this problem, have launched a brand new creative modelling tool that gives virtual reality (VR) users the tools to let their imaginations run wild and make detailed 3D creations to inhabit the virtual world.

Blocks by Google allows users to create 3D objects in VR. Designed to be simple for even beginners to the world of 3D modelling, there are six simple tools that users can use. Users can bring their creations to life, to allow things such as fish to swim about in a tank. Despite the name, the objects than can be created go beyond Minecraft-esque squared-off blocks; complex shapes can be created and fine details can be crafted. You can create a replica of the Martian Curiosity Rover, or a giant virtual aquarium filled with moving fish.

The experience of Blocks by Google is designed to be shared. Users can publish their creations to be admired by others, or view existing projects to be inspired to create something similar, or better.

The application is free and is available for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, though Oculus Rift users will need to have Touch controllers equipped. Further information can be found on the Steam page.

The new application could be considered a complement to Google’s existing Tilt Brush art application, in the way that painting and sculpture can be regarded as related and complementary disciplines. It remains to be seen how powerful the tools contained within Blocks by Google are, and what the community will create with them.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Blocks by Google as it becomes available.