Smash Up New York With VRobot’s NYC Update

Independent developers Luden.Io have been quite keen on keeping the content updates flowing into smashy giant robot title VRobot. With a small content update that added a giant mechanical sword inspired by the Transformers franchise being added earlier this month, and now a much bigger ‘New York City’ content update.

A brand new city is being added to VRobot for players to gleefully smash to bits. Patterned about the famous New York City, the level, referred to in-game as New RoboYork City, features recognisable famous landmarks of the New York metropolis, including the Empire State building, Statue of Liberty and, in a slightly more controversial move, the ‘Vrump’ Tower.

The content update also includes the aforementioned Transforming sword, the addition of a giant robot rival called the Super Robot 3000 so players can pick on something their own size and the developers have also taken into account feedback received from players and have revamped the scoring system. The timer has been removed and a new coring system has been implemented in an attempt to make things more enjoyable.

VRobot is available on Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift with Touch. In addition, from 23rd June 2017, Steam users can get 50% off the normal retail price of £10.99 (GBP) as part of the Steam Summer Sale. You can see what VRFocus made of VRobot in the video preview.

The development team are accepting suggestions on other features that can be added, such as new weaponry to be added to the existing arsenal of Transformers sword, Tornado Gun and Tractor beam, or new types of cities to explore (and destroy). Further information can be found on the Steam page.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on VRobot as they become available.