School days were the best, full of playing with friends, learning new things, attempting to kill your teacher… At least, that’s what school days are like for Assassination Classroom’s students at Kunugigaoka Junior High School. The good news is you relive your school days – plus the assassination part – in virtual reality (VR), thanks to Assassination Classroom VR.
To give the videogame its full name, Assassination Classroom VR Balloon Challenge Time will see you donning your HTC Vive head-mounted display (HMD) and shooting down a variety of balloons and more in order to hone your assassination skills. Assassination Classroom’s iconic Martian teacher Koro-sensei follows the player, taunting the player, photographing them, and tempting their shots his way. Of course, the alien being can move at speeds of Mach 20, so you’re not likely to hit…
Passing all the levels gives players a chance at Koro-sensei himself, thus saving the planet – but of course, he won’t make that easy. The main aim of the game of course is shooting down balloons, earning combos are getting high scores. Fairly straight-forward.
Developed by Alpha Code, the high-score chasing shooter is available now on Steam and is launching with a discount of 20% until June 22nd. You need a HTC Vive and the tracked motion controllers to wield the guns, so keep that in mind.
In the trailer below you can see the player shooting down balloons in the virtual classroom, all while Koro-sensei taunts and interacts with the player – hopefully, you too will get the chance to assassinate him.
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