VirZOOM Want You To Get Fit in VR – And Here’s How

Playing videogames and losing weight? It seems almost too good to be true, but VirZOOM intend to help you do exactly that, with the VirZOOM Bike and VZ Sensor. We looked at the VirZOOM platform before, but now we can hear about the future of getting healthy from VirZOOM themselves.

VirZOOM promises the kind of workout most can only dream of, the kind that sees your burning calories while setting high scores in a variety of virtual reality (VR) games. You can use either the VirZOOM Bike, which offers the full VirZOOM experience, or the VZ Sensor, which is a small sensor which will track your movements, turning any normal exercise bike into a VirZOOM compatible bike.

Compatible with a range of VR head-mounted displays (HMDs), you can use the VirZOOM platform with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR or Gear VR – Gear VR support is somewhat limited in the early days, with only two of the promised seven bundled games available at launch, though the full seven games are to be available before the end of the year.

In our interview below, Spencer Honeyman tells us more about the VirZOOM platform and talks about customer testimonies he’s heard. It sounds like a good way to get in shape, and we’re looking forward to trying it for ourselves.

For the best ways to stay fit in VR, make sure to stay on VRFocus.