When it comes to American television talk shows one of the programmes up for discussion as the ‘flagship’ surely has to be CBS’ The Late Show. Originally hosted by David Letterman for a period of 22 years beginning in 1993, custodianship of the talk and variety show is now in the hands of comedian Stephen Colbert. Formerly of The Colbert Report and one of the ‘graduates’ of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show.
The show is broadcast nightly from Manhattan’s Ed Sullivan Theater and the production team have released to Youtube a 360 degree look behind the curtain of what the theatre looks like with Colbert leading the way. Introducing a number of personnel working to make the show tick over behind the scenes and providing a mix of information both factual and somewhat tongue-in-cheek. The video moving from him leaving his dressing room up to and including going out on stage for the first time. It’s also interesting to see a performer of Colbert’s fame getting himself ready to go out on stage as the video stops being jokes near the end as it comes to a point where Colbert has to get himself mentally ready to go out and perform.
You can watch the video below. VRFocus will be back on Friday with another example of 360 degree use.