The Future of Cricket is VR

Intel will be introducing several technologies during the International Cricket Champions (ICC) Trophy, which begins on 1st June 2017. Technologies on display will include virtual reality (VR) zones at the cricket grounds along with a drone that will capture data about the pitch.

Intel will be putting dedicated VR zones around The Oval and Edgebaston cricket grounds where cricket fans will be able to don a HTC Vive VR headset and try out their batting skills against a virtual bowler, with a full screen of stats after each virtual stroke to show the users how they did.

That isn’t the only technological innovation to come to the cricket pitch, however. Intel are also bringing along a Falcon 8 drone equipped with a HD camera and infrared sensors to analyse the pitch before each match to show how the condition of the ground can affect bounce and spin of the ball. This information will be available to the match commentators in the from of a screen overlay.

Other technology that will be introduced to the Cricket match will be a cricket bat sensor that can monitor data such as back-lift, speed and follow-through. The sensors will be used by several batsman during the tournament, with the data gathered allowing them to improve their performance, but the gathered data will also be available to the audience to help judge how well the batsmen are playing.

The ‘BatSense’ technology is planned to get a commercial release later in the year, so aspiring cricketers in Australia, India, the UK and the US will be able to improve their form.

A video trailer showing the technology that will be in use at the ICC Trophy courtesy of Intel is available to view below.

VRFocus will bring you further news on VR in sport as it becomes available.