Peraso Look To Provide The Connectivity Needed In A Wireless VR World

Whether “wireless”, “untethered” or “standalone” virtual reality (VR) afficionardos and casual users alike can’t wait to be free of the pesky cord tying their head-mounted display (HMD) to either console or PC. It’s an understandable next step in VR’s evolution as a retail product and both first and third parties are looking into solutions.

The most recent, and perhaps most intreguing being the announced collaboration between Google and both Vive and Lenovo to create a new standalone sister HMD to the Daydream.

Although elsewhere we’ve seen companies announce developments, make acquisitions based off the technology – most notably AMD – and demonstrate their solutions.

It is the latter which will be occuring next week from May 30th to June 2nd 2017 at Computex 2017 as another name in computer tech steps forward to discuss wireless. This time it’s Canadian chipset developers Peraso Technologies, Inc. who will be demonstrating a wireless gaming solution they claim is ideal for both VR and augmented reality (AR) applications powered by their WiGig (802.11ad and 802.11ay) wi-fi technology. Utilizing the 60 GHz band, the company says it boasts high speed connectivity and “super low” latency required for a viable solution. So not a wireless add-on, but focusing on the system infastructure needed to power it.

The firm’s President and CEO Ron Glibbery commented on the forthcoming demonstration as well as an additional demonstration at the Digitimes Mobile IoT Technology and Application Forum on May 31st 2017.

“We’re thrilled to be demonstrating such a large range of applications that can only be powered by WiGig technology. WiGig will continue to become fundamental in serving consumers as we push the boundaries of technology, especially in exciting new applications such as wireless VR/AR and Wi-Fi Networking.”

VRFocus will bring you more news on these developments and other stories connected to the technology of disconnecting soon.