This Week In VR Sport: Football, Football Everywhere

The more virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) spreads, the more it gets adopted by those looking for new ways to enchance means of entertainment such as games, or film and television. Of course we at VRFocus have our own weekly overview of everything that’s affected another world of entertainment: the world of sport. So let’s look at what’s occurred this week.

The BBC’s F.A. Cup Coverage Is Set To Go Airbourne

If you’re getting set to watch the F.A. Cup Final, which as the time of writing is but a few hours away then things might look a little bit different at various points in the game as the BBC are looking to employ a camera they have previously not used in a live situation.

In recent years we’ve all become familiar with creatrive graphics over the top of live action, but tied to the picture somehow. That is a form of AR. We see it in athletics and swimming with names and flags over the lanes, or with sports like the long jump or javelin where distances are shown where they would not obviously be able to be otherwise. Now, as reported by the team at Digital Spy, the corporation is set to use their spider camera – which you have likely seen at events down the years as it dangles high above the action, suspended by several wires – as part of the livestream for the first time, Which, amongst other benefits, will also increase their range or AR graphics.

Image via Digital Spy

Use of AR in association with the F.A. Cup is actually not a new situation. Beyond the graphics already mentioned above for the 2012-13 season Budweiser employed an app which generated an AR representation of the famous trophy if it recognised a special promotional beer mat.

BT Sport Reveals Cardboard Giveaway For Champions League Final


If the English domestic football isn’t your thing, well how about the richest prize in club football? (Sorry Super Cup, I know you’re technically bigger but no one really cares nearly as much about you.)  Yes, the final of the UEFA Champions League is set for next week which will see Spanish giants Real Madrid take on Italian Serie A champions Juventus. As previously reported, the final will be available to view in 360 degrees video through a YouTube livestream or the BT Sport VR app.

The broadcaster will also be giving away branded Google Cardboard headsets in the run-up to the final on 3rd June 2017. These are available, either from the BT online shop if you place the order before May 30th or alternatively from stores for the EE phone network throughout the UK. These are available now.

Lastly commuters going through London’s Waterloo and Liverpool Street Stations or alteratively through Birmingham New Street Station will be able to acquire a headset next Friday (June 2nd) as BT will be giving them away. As well as at the UEFA Champions Village in Cardiff over the weekend of the event.