Tongue-in-cheek wave shooter Dick Wilde has been launched on PlayStation VR so PlayStation users can experience shooting critters like alligators and piranha fish on console and with the newly launched Aim Controller.
Dick Wilde stars the titular hunter and outdoorsman as he hunts down armies of birds, fish, crocodiles and other critters. There is a whole array of weaponry available for players to choose from, ranging from the relatively sensible pistol and shotgun through the things like nailguns and harpoon launchers. Several of the weapons have alternative firing modes which can result in things like buzz saw blades skimming across the water towards your target.
Previously launched on the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift back in March, the PC VR version of Dick Wilde has been reviewed by VRFocus, saying: “Technically Dick Wilde is a well put together experience, the action is fast, fluid and fun. There’s never a moment where it feels sloppy or hamfisted.”
The development team revealed that the title was designed with the Aim controller is mind from the start, and mapped the size and shape of the Aim Controller on to the two-handed weapons in Dick Wilde for a more immersive experience. As such, when fighting off swamp creatures using the harpoon rifle, grenade launcher, revolver rifle, shotgun, paintball gun or nailgun, the experience should be an accurate one, with haptic feedback calibrated for each weapon.
Dick Wilde is out now in the PlayStation store, available for £11.99 (GBP). The Aim Controller can be bought as part of a bundle with newly launched PlayStation VR title Farpoint. Further information on other titles compatible with the Aim Controller can be found elsewhere on VRFocus.
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