In May 2016, Oculus unveiled the VR for Good initiative alongside its Creators Lab as a way of nurturing immersive content creation. Today the company has announced the of the 2017 Creators Lab, pairing up new filmmakers with causes around the world to create virtual reality (VR) content that highlights social change and the need for it.
Starting today until 15th May 2017, filmmakers and non-profit organisations can apply to take part in this collaborative opportunity, with those chosen heading to Los Angeles for a two-day summit featuring workshops, brainstorming, mentoring, and community building from 15th – 16 June 2017.
VR has been used by organisations around the world to highlight the plight of others, such as the UN and Within on My Mother’s Wing, or 360-degree experience Growing a World Wonder. Most recently showcased the ninth film from last years initiative Step to the Line. This video – available for Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear Gear VR, and as a Facebook 360 video – put viewers inside the shoes of an inmate, from the claustrophobia of a confined cell to dealing with everyday life behind bars.
VR for Good and the Creators Lab programme will two of the initiatives making use of the $50 million USD Oculus has put to one side to fund the development of non-gaming, experimental VR content, from a $250 million fund for VR developers. This was announced last week when Jason Rubin, VP of Content, confirmed the closure of Oculus Story Studio, the in-house developer of Lost, Henry and Dear Angelica.
If you want to create this kind of content, either to help spread awareness of the need for social change or just simply aiding a non-profit cause, then head to the Creators Labs sign-up page for more info.
VRFocus will continue its coverage of Creators Lab and VR for Change, reporting back with the latest updates.