For the launch of Oculus Touch back in December the SUPERHOT Team released their slow-mo first-person shooter (FPS) SUPERHOT VR. Then in March the ‘Forever Update’ arrived bringing more content and Oculus Achievements. 26 achievements are available and VRFocus has the full list below.
SUPERHOT is all about player movement. When they stand still the world around them goes super slow mo, allowing players to dodge enemy bullets and other obstacles. SUPERHOT VR doesn’t feature regenerating health bars, ammo or weapon pickups like a standard FPS, meaning players must use their wits, fists and anything else they find to shoot, punch and out manoeuvre everything in the way.
Full Achievement List:
- You Are Prepared
- Mind Blown
- You Are Now Free
- Bloody Mess
- Trigger Happy
- Bullet Hell
- Close & Personal
- Too Cool To Look
- Butter Hands
- Slice And Dice
- Chosen One
- What Is Wrong With You
- Fitness Club
- It’s High Noon
- Nice Combo
- Savage
- New Experience
- Treasure Hunter
- Harder
- Better
- Faster
- Who Needs Guns
- Rogue Like
- Take Your Time
- No Sweat