Tech giant Google launched the JUMP programme back in 2015, its aim being to give average consumers the tools for making high-quality virtual reality (VR) films that were usually the domain of well-funded Hollywood film-makers. Google have now announced a new version of the key hardware.
The new camera weighs less than eight pounds, lighter than the original JUMP camera and has 100 minutes of internal battery and is controlled by an Android app that acts as a remote control. The unit has no less than 17 4K cameras to capture scenes as immersively as possible.
Derin Turner, Production Director at VR Playhouse, noted “This camera and Jump ranks as one of the best and easiest pieces of equipment and platform to use on the market.”
Production is handled using the Jump Assembler, which stitches together the footage in a few hours, almost entirely free of artefacts by utilising Google’s computer vision algorithms and using the processing power possessed by Google’s data centres to speed up the rendering process.
Google are also launched an initiative called Jump Start, which allows certain eligible filmmakers and creators free access to a Jump Camera and Jump Assembler to make a VR film. Applications are already open, and film-makers can apply through the Jump Start website until the 22nd May 2017.
A short video detailing the capabilities of the YI HALO camera is available to view below.
YI HALO will be available for sale sometime in summer 2017, though some units are already being made available to certain creators selected by Google. A price point has not yet been confirmed.
VRFocus will bring you further news on YI HALO and other 360-degree hardware products as it becomes available.