Spot The Virtual Difference In Steam Greenlight Contender No Clue

With virtual reality (VR) being a growth area, several small and independent developers are trying their hands at creating their own VR experience. One of these is now on Steam Greenlight as No Clue VR.

No Clue VR is a virtual reality experience that is looking for votes on Steam Greenlight. The videogame was created by a developer known by the Steam profile name of Elknight.

The object of No Clue VR is essentially a ‘spot the difference’ game. The play must view a scene in oth daylight and at night and note what the difference are. Spotting the differences results in a score increase. There are a certain amount of differences that must be spotted before time runs out, so the player must furiously switch between night and day, trying to spot the elusive differences.

There are two modes planned, a story mode, where each mission has a 120 second time limit and five objects need to be found per mission. The other mode is survival mode. 300 seconds are given initially, with an additional twenty seconds awarded for each five differences spotted. The objective in Survival mode is simply to last as long as possible. The developers plan to have a leaderboard or ranking system available so players can compare their scores.

Elknight plans to support both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift if No Clue VR gets approval for release. The videogame uses dynamic content creation for the scenes, so each time the player loads it up, the experience should be slightly different. The developers hope to be able to keep adding new content if and when the title gets released. A price point for the title is yet to be confirmed.

A gameplay trailer is available to view below. Further information is available on the No Clue VR Steam Greenlight page.

VRFocus will continue to report on upcoming VR titles on Steam and elsewhere.