NVIDIA’s annual GPU Technology Conference (GTC) takes place next month in California, and the event is set to be filled with the latest discussions on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology. There’s going to be 48 sessions focused on immersive tech, featuring the likes of McLaren, NASA and Ubisoft.
McLaren Automotive for example has built a mobile AR app letting fans explore every aspect of how it designs its supercars. While McLaren veteran Mark Roberts will join Epic Games’ Partner Technology Manager Doug Wolff and several other industry luminaries for a panel called: “Beyond Games: How Unreal Engine is Putting the Reality into Virtual Reality.”
NASA on the other hand has a long history of VR and AR experimentation. The organisation will be holding a session titled ‘NASA’s Hybrid Reality Lab: One Giant Leap for Full Dive’, hosted by Matthew Noyes – Aerospace Technologist/Hybrid Reality Lab Software Lead, discussing its use of commercial game engine and consumer-grade VR technologies at its Johnson Space Center for improving the engineering workflow.
While Ubisoft’s vice president of Digital Publishing, Chris Early, will talk about key learnings, insights on player behavior, game-play design tips and more, gathered from Ubisoft VR’s Eagle Flight, Werewolves Within and the soon to be released Star Trek: Bridge Crew.
Other notable sessions include:
Insights from the First Year of VR – Jason Holtman – Head of Publishing, Oculus
Vulkan VR Rendering – Ingo Esser – Senior Developer Technology Engineer, NVIDIA
Immerswive VR with NVIDIA VR Funhouse – Dane Johnston – Lead Producer, VR Funhouse, NVIDIA
Passengers: Awakening VR, When Film Meet VR – Francesco Giordana – Researcher, MPC and Damien Fagnou – CTO, MPC
GTC 2017 runs from 8th – 11th May 2017, in San Jose, California. If you wish to attend then prices start from $275 USD for an exhibits only ticket.That cost then jumps to $660 for a one day conference pass or $1500 for multiple days.
VRFocus will continue its coverage of GTC, reporting back with the latest updates.