SuperData Research Expects VR Consumer Revenue to Hit $40 Billion by 2020

SuperData Research has been one of the more prolific companies looking at the virtual reality (VR) industry and its potential growth. In conjunction with Silicon Valley Virtual Reality (SVVR), the two have now released a new infographic showcasing who the audiences are and what they’re buying.

The infographic leads with figures dealing with revenue, with hardware sales currently driving revenue of $1.5 billion USD in 2016 and videogames currently top software sales. By 2020 though, software sales are expected to eclipse hardware, with global revenue hitting almost $40 billion.

Currently VR awareness among Americans over 18 stands at 32 percent, with VR users in the 18-34 age bracket for both men and women leading the way at 37 percent and 26 percent respectively.

In February SuperData released a report in collaboration with Unity Technologies called “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: The 2016 Mobile and VR Games Year in Review“, looking at how the markets performed in greater detail.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of SuperData, reporting back with the latest research analysis.
