An ambitious project to create an augmented reality (AR) sports bar is looking for funding on Kickstarter. The project plans to create a hybrid lounge/arcade where visitors can interact with AR holograms to be truly inside the game.
The facility is to be called ‘Center Stage’. The project is looking for $50,000 USD in funding to perfect the technology that will be used in the facilities. The creators of Center Stage are working with Nullspace VR, who had their own successful Kickstarter for the Hardlight VR haptic suit, as well as Vuzix, creators of the M300 AR Smart Glasses, who have been covered extensively on VRFocus.
The creators behind the project hope to eventually be able to generate an AR environment where up to six players can play together. Each person to visit the Center Stage will be able to set up their own profile which can be customised to their own personal preferences. Center Stage will also have a sports bar area, where players can take a break, have a drink and watch sports, of the traditional or eSports variety. There are also plans for tournaments to be held.
Funding tiers range from $5 which gets the backer a personal thank you email and access to exclusive Kickstarter updates, right through to $8,500 which allows an entire organisation to have a private party at the Center Stage facility with free food and drinks.
The location of the first Center Stage facility has not yet been confirmed. The organisers say that the more backers they get from a particular area, the more likely it is that the facility will be opened in that area. The organisers hope to eventually have Center Stage bars in every major city in the world.
Further information is available on the official Kickstarter page.
VRFocus will keep you updated on Center Stage and other VR/AR Kickstarter projects.