Frima Studios Unveil Launch Trailer for Fated: The Silent Oath on PlayStation VR

After quite some time waiting for it to be announced, PlayStation VR users will now be able to see what all the fuss is about with the launch of Fated: The Silent Oath being launched on to the platform today.

Frima Originals and Sony have announced the launch in style by producing a launch trailer for the PSVR version of the videogame. As noted in the VRFocus review of the PSVR version, the price has been reduced to £7.99 GBP and Fated has seen some alterations to make it suitable for the PlayStation 4 hardware.

Fated: The Silent Oath is set in the legendary time of the Vikings, in which a father named Ulfr is struck by a curse which renders him unable to speak. The player takes on the role of Ulfr as he travels the land, solving puzzles, uncovering mysteries and all the while attempting to protect his family. That Ulfr, and therefore the player, are unable to speak informs the interaction with other characters, as the player can only communicate with headshakes or by nodding.

Fated: The Silent Oath - Ulfr

Characterisation and storytelling are key parts of the game, with many reviewers noting that Fated managed to elicit a strong emotional reaction – sometimes enough to bring them to tears.

Further details are available on the PlayStation Store page. The full launch trailer is available to watch below.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on Fated: The Silent Oath and other PSVR titles when they come in.