China Hero Project Announces New PlayStation VR Games

The China Hero Project helps independent videogame developers based in China get their product to market. They are working together with Sony to bring several new games to the PlayStation 4 (PS4) and PlayStation VR (PSVR).

Ten new games were announced as being in development for either PS4 or PSVR. The games are all currently still in development, but the PSVR games we know of are:

A virtual reality casual game called The X Animal which is being developed by Internet Stars. The developers say they are aiming to use the depth of space available within the VR environment to give users a new gameplay experience.

The Walker, a first person hack and slash experience which seems to involve an elemental weapon – in this case, an ice sword to produce effects such as freezing your opponent. The Walker is being developed by Haymaker, who are hoping to make the experience as immersive as possible.

Pervader VR created by Light and Digital. The are few details about Pervader VR, but the developer says that the aim is for strong storytelling and trying to elicit vivid emotions from the user.

Other, non VR games that were also announced were:

  • Code: Hardcore, a mecha action battle game with an anime-influenced style by Rocket Punch
  • Kill X action shooting adventure by Vivagames
  • Lost Soul Aside, action RPG focussing on graphical performance and fluid action by Ultizero games.
  • Project Boundary, an FPS title that takes place in a zero gravity space environment.
  • War Rage, ancient warfare experience from Booming Games
  • A 3D swordsman game called Project X by Komogames
  • An ancient china warfare game called Tiger Knight

You can watch the full announcement video below.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on new PSVR games when it comes in.