Sometimes when I come to write a VR vs article I have a very definitive idea of what I’m going to write about. There’s a big story in the news, everyone’s reacted to it , do I agree? Yes/no. Explain why. Other occasions I’ve got no idea at all and it just flows naturally that we end up on a discussion topic. An ‘Oh, has anyone done that? They probably should, shouldn’t they?’. Other times, pretty rare times, I talk about us and it just so happens that today as you may have noticed – if you’re actually reading this – that VRFocus looks a bit… shinier than it did yesterday.
Yes, we’ve launched a much needed (IMO) brand new version of the website. It’s bigger, faster, more dynamic and – praise be to the high heavens – it looks good on mobile. As in you can actually go on it now and not wonder where things are. It looks organised. It even looks like VRFocus. And a lot of that is down to feedback from you; so you should be able to read things easier, the site looks better, functions better, it will gives you more information and you can also share stories easier as well. Which we of course hope you do.
It’s also got a few party pieces under the hood which we’ll roll out when the time is right.
Some time ago, regular VR vs. readers might recall I wrote a column where I mulled over how, with the make-up of the virtual reality (VR) community changing, VR sites might need to change and adapt and evolve themselves. I even questioned whether or not specialist sites had a role as VR forces its way, via gratuitous use of elbows, towards the magic word the ‘mainstream’. It was an interesting take, not a ‘hot take’ but more a ‘warm mull over’ of things. Actually, it generated a lot of feedback which surprised me.
Well, this new website is the beginning of a new chapter. Things within VRFocus are indeed changing and evolving – there are plans. I’ll let other people go into that more at a later date – in fact about an hour – as such reveals are above my pay grade and the only reason this is appearing first is because VR vs has the 1PM time slot. Some changes should be a little bit obvious, others are not so and will be discussed later, but I’m delighted to say that at the very least we’re going to be able to bring you more VR and AR news and features in the future. The new website is a massive milestone for the staff, particularly myself, Kevin J and Peter and a symbol of a lot of hard work and effort behind the scenes. (Seriously, we’re exhausted.) That effort doesn’t stop either, but continues.
In many ways for VRFocus 2017 begins for us now – and it’s going to be pretty big!
What things do you like/not like about the new site? Let me know and I’ll feed back to the design team. Next week VR vs. gets a little bit personal as it’s a very important working anniversary for me. Find out more then.