Croteam have announced that they are working on fresh virtual reality (VR) rebuilds of the Serious Sam series of games. Serious Sam Fusion 2017 is out in Beta form, and available for free to owners of previous Serious Sam titles.
Croteam plan for Serious Sam HD, The First Encounter and The Second Encounter to be part of the Serious Sam Fusion 2017 bundle, as well as Serious Sam 3: BFE and VR versions of the older Serious Sam games. The developer have completely rebuilt Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, which is the first game in the bundle to become available.
The new versions are 64-bit compatible with full support for SteamOS, Linux and OSX as well as PC. The new versions are using the new Vulkan API to replace DirectX9. There are a host of new features, including mod support, a new save game system and even a new physics engine.
The rebuilt games are available completely free for anyone who has previously bought Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, The Second Encounter or Serious Sam 3: BFE. The current version of the Serious Sam Fusion 2017 bundle is still in Beta, so the developer warns that there may well be bugs and glitches still in the game.
The developers are currently working on implementing the other games in the bundle, which will all be playable from a common application, so there will be no need to quit out and go back in. Also, users with VR versions of the games will be able to play multiplayer games alongside those who have the standard non-VR versions.
You can find out more at the Serious Sam Fusion 2017 Steam page.
VRFocus will bring you further updates on Serious Sam and related videogames as they come in.