Power Rangers Morph onto Mobile VR

To tie in to the upcoming release of the new Power Rangers movie, Lionsgate has partnered with Reel FX and QuiverVision to create a mobile VR experience for Google Cardboard users.

The new mobile VR experience is named Zords Rising and is based on a Power Rangers VR experience that was previously demonstrated at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). The new VR experience allows Power Rangers fans to watch the powerful robot Zords rise up from the earth.

The experience lasts for two and a half minutes, but the app also includes other features, such as an augmented reality (AR) colouring book that allows the user to use the camera like a paintbrush, or a function to create custom Power Rangers suits in 3D and place them against a real-world background, which can then be filmed or photographed and shared on social media.

The Zords Rising VR experience was made based on Qualcomm technology as a way to show off their new Snapdragon 835 processor, and the original version of the Power Rangers VR experience that Zords Rising was based on was originally shown at Qualcomm’s CES booth.

The Power Rangers movie is based on the popular 90s television series Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, which originally aired in the 1990s. The series was itself based off a series of Japanese ‘Tokusatsu’ shows called Super Sentai. While the original series used footage from the Japanese series to fill in much of the action, the new movie is all filmed from scratch, using state-of-the-art special effects.

VRFocus will keep you updated on VR movie tie-ins.