Starfighter Inc.’s second Kickstarter campaign goes live

Earlier this week VRFocus reported on Impeller Studios announcing at PAX East it would be taking a second shot at Kickstarter success for space combat simulator Starfighter Inc. Its first campaign almost succeeded in 2015 having reached $226,831 USD out of $250,000. Now the studio aims to hit $150,000.

Developed as a as spiritual successor to the X-Wing series, Impeller has still been working on the project over the last couple of years, improving and fine tuning the experience. Starfighter Inc. will allow players operate a variety of nuclear-powered single and multi-crew fighters, reconnaissance ships, strike craft, and support ships, with weapons ranging from lasers, railguns, and missiles, to electronic and cyber warfare capabilities.

Starfighter Inc screenshot 1

The team has planned on full support for virtual reality (VR) hardware, partnering with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and OSVR. Starfighter Inc. not only supports the aforementioned head-mounted displays (HMDs), but for further immersion the title will be playable with a range of joysticks.

For the initial release – expected in April 2018 – the studio plans to feature three weapon classes, three game modes, three maps, three playable ships, and 3v3 PvP play. Currently the three ships have been revealed; a Shrike-Class light fighter, small and light weight, the fighter can evade enemy fire, darting in and out of combat in order to carry out its mission; Pegasus-Class assault transport, a large, sturdy ship that can be configured for a range of roles such as Combat Search and Rescue, Drone Operator, Heavy Strike Ship, Missile Defense Boat or Tanker; lastly there’s the Hyperion-Class heavy fighter, designed to unleash devastating firepower on its enemies.

For those interested in backing the campaign funding tiers start from $10, and go all the way up to $10,000. Most will likely want to go for at least the second, $25 tier, which includes a digital copy of the Kickstarter Founder’s Edition of Starfighter Inc.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Starfighter Inc., reporting back with the campaign’s progress.