Explore a story through time and space in Waking the Glares on Oculus Rift

Italian indie developer Wisefool Studio has launched its first virtual reality (VR) title for Oculus Rift, a story driven adventure called Waking the Glare. 

Players are cast as Dawnfall, a lost wanderer who travels in a fragmented universe where time and space are twisted. That is until a mysterious voice starts to guide him on a journey, taking him to fabulous places, and meeting challenges that allow him to find the way back home.

Waking the Glares - screenshot 2

Waking the Glare takes place across seven chapters, with today’s release featuring the one and two. Each chapter is separate in terms of its setting and locations, but intertwined with the overall story arc.

In addition to the videogame, Wisefool Studio also released some free DLC in the form of a ebook. This will allow players to delve further into the story of Waking the Glare, being able to read the book that messed up Dawnfall’s life.

“Waking the Glares is an intense journey like the one that we, a small team of only four people, feel like we went through while developing our very first game. We really hope that players will feel the same emotions,” said Ruggero Aricò, Lead Designer at Wisefool Studio.

Waking the Glare is available through Steam now for £3.99 GBP/$4.99 USD.

Checkout the launch trailer below and for any further updates keep reading VRFocus.