Buzz Aldrin Hologram appears in Cycling Pathways To Mars

A hologram of legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin will guide virtual reality (VR) users on their way to Mars in newly announced educational VR experience Cycling Pathways To Mars.

LIFE VR and 8i have teamed up to produce a VR project featuring Buzz Aldrin as he takes viewers on a journey away from Earth and details his plan for getting humans to Mars. Cycling Pathways To Mars uses room-scale VR to create an educational experience that has used cutting-edge motion and image capture to preserve Buzz Aldrin’s hologram for future generations.


“Capturing Buzz Aldrin’s hologram for future generations has been an incredible honor and a watershed moment for 8i,” said Steve Raymond, CEO of 8i. “Virtual reality has enormous potential to educate and inspire, and we know Buzz will spark the imagination of young people who will one day journey to Mars and begin a new chapter for mankind. Our entire team has been thrilled to work on this project and we’re excited for everyone to see it.”

“While the moon landing was a monumental achievement for humanity, there’s no greater mission than mankind’s journey to Mars,” said Buzz Aldrin, astronaut on Gemini 12 and Apollo 11 missions. “I have a plan for creating a human settlement on Mars, and thanks to virtual reality and holographic technology from 8i, we now have an exciting new way to communicate this plan with the world and to leave my legacy behind for future generations of aspiring space travellers.”


Cycling Pathways To Mars had its debut appearance at the South By Southwest (SXSW) conference in Austin, Texas this week. It is expected to be available through Steam and for the HTC Vive on 17th March 2017, and on Oculus Rift soon after.

VRFocus will bring you further news about Cycling Pathways To Mars as we get it.