Virtual reality (VR) videogame developer Force Field VR have announced a new game exclusively for the Gear VR called Term1nal. Force Field VR have had previous success with Landfall and are now branching out into action-stealth gameplay.
In Term1nal the player has to hack into the controls of an experimental robot and use it to sneak around a top-secret corporate facility to collect information on a secretive robotics company called STRIDE. The game is played using a bluetooth gamepad, largely played from a third-person perspective as the player can only see the robot they are controlling from CCTV cameras dotted around the complex.
The rest of the gameplay involves solving puzzles and avoiding robot patrols – sometimes at the same time. People who have played the game have described the puzzles and challenging and engaging.
Term1nal is currently in early development, but is expected to be released sometime in Q2 of 2017. You can watch the announcement trailer below. VRFocus will keep you updated on further news from GDC.