Raw Data Adding Oculus Rift and Touch to List of Supported Platforms

Los Angeles-based developer Survios today announced that their flagship title Raw Data will be heading to the Oculus platform. This will allow users of the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift and Touch to play Raw Data together for the first time.

Raw Data was the first virtual reality (VR) title to top the Steam Sales Charts and break the $1 million USD mark in the space of a month. Survios have optimised and re-engineered the game to work with the tracking and controls of the Oculus Touch for a complete experience.

Raw Data (3)

James Iliff, Survios Chief Creative Officer and co-founder, had this to say; “We’re thrilled to welcome the Oculus player community to Raw Data. With VR still a young, niche industry, it’s crucial right now for the entire community to be united regardless of platform. We believe VR is ultimately going to be a platform-agnostic medium, and we’re showing our support for that shift with Raw Data’s new, cross-platform compatibility—and that’s just the beginning. We’re going to do everything we can to create content for the entire VR community.

Survios have also announced that alongside the Oculus compatibility, there will also be a significant amount of new content in it’s forthcoming update. Two of the hero characters, Saija and Boss, will receive substantial overhauls, which is largely a result of user feedback with regards to game balance. There will also be a now mission called ‘Cataclysm’ which Survios describe as being “very challenging”.

Survios will be demonstrating co-operative cross-platform gameplay from their latest build at their GDC booth, South Hall Booth 944.

VRFocus will provide further information on Raw Data and Survios when we have it.