Registrations Now Open for Unreal Engine GDC Education Summit

Next week the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2017 will take place in San Francisco, California, bring the together industry professionals from across the world. Taking place at the same time for one day only will be the Unreal Engine GDC Education Summit, featuring a day of sessions aimed at Unreal users, especially educators and students.

Featuring a keynote address by Epic Games’ Marc Petit, general manager of the Unreal Engine enterprise team, the summit will also include Epic recruiter, Emily Gabrian, who’ll present the Epic Games Internship Program, outlining what educators and students will need to know to apply.

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For those interested in virtual reality (VR), two dedicated sessions will be held. Joe Radak, a freelance level designer, will be hosting a talk called ‘Hitting the ground running in VR: UE4 and Udacity’s VR Nanodegree’, which looks at the rapidly changing world of VR, and Udacity’s VR Nanodegree. While Craig Bar will be looking at ‘Virtual reality and architectural visualization with Unreal’, giving an overview of the power of Unreal for architectural visualization and VR.

The Unreal Engine GDC Education Summit takes place on Tuesday, 28th February at the Four Seasons Hotel. Tickets are free, head to the Eventbrite page to register and get further details.

Last week Epic Games launched the next version of Unreal Engine, 4.15. This included several updated VR features for the Quick Menu and Radial Menu, with a new Number Pad UI. Support was added for the PlayStation Aim controller as well as an experimental Monoscopic Far Field Rendering option.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Epic Games and Unreal Engine, reporting back with the latest updates.