December’s third annual PlayStation Experience didn’t showcase many virtual reality (VR) titles for PlayStation VR, but one experience that did debut was StarBlood Arena. Developed by Whitemoon Dreams, StarBlood Arena is an intense first-person shooter (FPS) multiplayer which is now scheduled for release in April.
Taking control of one of nine available pilots, players will engage in six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) firefights across a variety of map sizes and game modes. Matches can feature anywhere between 2 – 8 players, with Carnage mode an all out PvP battle, whilst Team Carnage allows groups of four players to fight it out. Other modes will also be available and they can all be played in either Ranked or player created unranked matches.
Pre-orders for StarBlood Arena have now opened and of course there’s a special bonus available. Gamers that do pre-order will get the StarBlood Arena Legends Pack which features: the Steel Hercules skin for The Baron, the El Diablo Azul skin for Buck, and the Granny Granny Boom Boom skin for Alice.
The release date of StarBlood Arena will depend on the territory you live in with the US PlayStation.Blog listing an 11th April date while the EU site lists 12th April. Whitemoon Dreams also released a newly update trailer for the title, with the studio’s Creative Director, Scott Campbell giving some further details about StarBlood Arena.
For any further StarBlood Arena updates, keep reading VRFocus.