New Teaser Trailer Released for Upcoming Horror Experience Syren

Last week Hammerhead VR announced the launch date for its next virtual reality (VR) project Syren, as 15th February. Initially supporting Oculus Rift and HTC Vive with a PlayStation VR release due later, Syren is a horror title that takes gamers into the ocean depths. With only a few days to go until launch Hammerhead VR has released a second trailer, teasing what’s in store. 

Set inside an underwater research facility reminiscent of 80’s thriller The Abyss, the story invloves a eugenics obsessed scientist attempting to recreate a lost species called ‘Syrens’, a civilisation that bears similarities to mermaids of folklore. The facility is located directly on top of their ancient city and naturally things don’t go according to plan.

Syren - Medbay

While the first trailer showcased a few of the laboratory’s areas, with brief glimpses of the Syrens, this second video takes on a more cinematic role. The trailer starts off very jovial with some music playing on a record player. Then it slowly begins to pan out and across the room revealing the blood bath that has stricken the researchers. Nearby screams and gunshots can be heard before falling silent.

VRFocus will keep you updated with any further Syren news as launch day approaches.
