The VR Concept Game Jam: Works in Progress

Today saw the start of the VRFocus Presents The VR Concept Game Jam, a 24-hour event in which teams of developers are challenged to create a unique multiplayer virtual reality (VR) experience. To offer our readers a quick insight into the event, VRFocus sat down with the teams to see just how their efforts were panning out.

As is often the case at game jams, each of the participants offered an interesting insight into just what it means to be involved in the speed run videogame development that these events are.

Furthermore, in the video below you can get a taste of just what some of the participants are working on, with some interesting concepts revealed while the work is on-going.

Of course, VRFocus is present at the event and will keep you updated with each of the participants, and their work in VR development, as The VR Concept Game Jam continues.