As Professor Farnsworth on Futurama would say: “Good news, everyone!” Because Monday’s Life In 360° has absolutely nothing about the American political process. Yes, regular readers were probably expecting me to find some form of 360 degree coverage of the Inauguration or subsequent events for today’s post. But no. I think we’ve all had quite enough of that, and besides we’ve already reported on something Trump and virtual reality (VR) related in the last week. Let’s just get away from all that for a bit, shall we?
We’re sticking with America though, or the U.S. Navy at least. As thanks to defense company Raytheon we have a ringside seat for the testing of a new missile. It’s called the Standard Missile-6 (SM-6), and has in actuality been in use for some time at this point. However the footage, which shows the missiles both being loaded onto and launched from the deck of USS John Paul Jones actually took place back on August 1st 2015.
Or as Raytheon describes it: “The SM-6® missile delivers a proven over-the-horizon defensive and offensive capability by leveraging the time-tested advantages of the legacy Standard Missile airframe and propulsion. It’s the only missile in the world that can perform both anti-air warfare and terminal ballistic missile defense from sea, and it recently added anti-surface warfare to its repertoire.”
Fancy. I guess.
You can see the video below. VRFocus will be back Wednesday for another look into 360 degree video.