Life In 360°: Lights, California, Action!

Merry Christmas everybody, I hope you’re having a good day wherever you are. However just because it’s Christmas that doesn’t mean things aren’t happening on VRFocus. We’ve a number of items coming up today on the site including the second half of Kevin Williams’ Virtual Arena article on the IAAPA Expo. The first part of which you can find here.

But that is then, and this is now. So, for today’s Life In 360° being Christmas Day and a time that is magical for both adults and children today’s 360 degree video selection reflects that. We’re off to the Magic Kingdom. That’s right, we’re all going to Disney Land! Well, Disney California Adventure Park anyway.

Actually we’re going courtesy of Dream Disney, who captured the entirety of the amazing Holiday show ‘World Of Color – Season Of Light’. A presentation that uses lasers, light, classic and contemporary music, Disney and Pixar’s own animation libraries and projectors that brings images to life on the water of numerous high power fountains to make something truly magical. This is by and away the longest video we’ve ever featured on Life In 360° but hey, it’s a special day. And your chance to stand amongst the crowd for a Christmas experience unlike any other.

From myself and the rest of VRFocus have a very Merry Christmas, wherever you are.