Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality Slices onto PlayStation VR and HTC Vive

The PlayStation Experience has begun in California, with attendees able to play all the latest videogames and demos for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR. The live-streamed showcase kicked off the event, with PlayStation VR announcements including Resident Evil 7 biohazard and a brand new title, Starblood Arena. For the many owners of the head-mounted display (HMD) that couldn’t attend, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) announced that Bossa Studios’ Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality can now be downloaded.

Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality allows players to perform all of their favourite procedures from the critically acclaimed original, just in virtual reality (VR). A very tongue-in-cheek title, Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality will take players from the operating theatre, to the back of an ambulance, to outer space, all whilst trying to save the trusting patient.

Surgeon Sim ER - Screen 12

In addition to the original surgeries, Surgeon Simulator: ER adds exclusive new features for you to experience in VR. How about brain surgery in the dark and some new achievements? What about adding a 2nd hand to perform surgery like delicately remove teeth from a patient using nothing but a claw hammer, or to perform complex eye surgery in Zero-G.

Surgeon Simulator: ER is available today for PlayStation VR, and on Monday 5th, December it’ll be arriving for HTC Vive. Vive owners can pre-purchase the videogame on Steam for £14.99 GBP, or try Surgeon Simulator: Meet the Medic for free.

For all the latest news from Bossa Studios, keep reading VRFocus.