Macquarie University Welcomes VR Laboratory Upgrade

We’ve reported several times at VRFocus on colleges and universities in the US and the UK working to develop virtual reality (VR) laboratories and educational programmes. The latest to discuss in this field isn’t in the Northern Hemisphere however, but the Southern – and it certainly isn’t a new project.

Crytek working on VR

Over in Australia, Macquarie University has enacted a plan to upgrade its visual systems and by extension its virtual experiences that can be run from its Simulation Hub – a VR environment collective. It’s VR Lab, is not a new endeavour, however. As the suite which was able to simulate a number of scenarios was originally established over a decade ago in 2003 and has been of use to the VISOR (Virtual and Interactive Simulations of Reality) research group.

The upgrade, overseen by GHD “opted for an 8m diameter (18.8 wide) 240 degree, cylindrical, fully immersive laser projection system” – a Digital Projection HIGHlite Laser. Which will now allow a much upgraded capacity for 3D-capable projections and far richer immersion in line with what is currently being produced.

“Moving from the aging system to the laser projection system has been a huge technological upgrade.” Explains John Porte, technical support specialist for Macquarie University. “It is important to us in the University to use current technology to drive our research forward, and provide relevant expertise to our students. The new VR system is designed to be multipurpose and adaptable. There are many projects now utilising the space that were not conceived at the time of the build.”

We’ll bring you more updates about the work being done by Macquarie University as it becomes known. For more information about VR and its use in the field of education you can find previous stories on VRFocus via our search bar.