Red Iron Labs Seek IndieGoGo Support for Horror title Abduction

Back in June VRFocus reported on indie developer Red Iron Labs securing Steam Greenlight support for its virtual reality (VR) horror title Abduction. Now to aid the projects development the studio has launched an IndieGoGo crowd-funding campaign.

Abduction will be a episodic videogame series centred around alien races that have been kidnapping humans for centuries. Red Iron Labs released Abduction Prologue: The Jonathan Blake Story demo earlier this year – still freely available on the IndieGoGo page – with the crowd-funding going towards the first major episode of the series, Abduction Episode 1: Her Name Was Sarah. This episode continues the journey and players are cast as Sarah, who has become immune to these creature’s ability to wipe her memory, learning that humans aren’t the only race being abducted.

Abduction Ufo Clip

“What we’re trying to do is change the way we make games and how we play games [in virtual reality] so that the story comes first and the game gets built around it. That way we don’t end up with a game that’s limited to the technology, We can bend the technology to match the game experience we want,” said Lloyd Summers, co-founder and lead developer at Red Iron Labs. “If you find the game interesting and you want to support or provide feedback, please purchase a copy. If funds are restricted, play the demo, share us out.”

The IndieGoGo campaign began last week and aims to raise $50,000 USD over 30 days. Backing tiers to claim a copy of the videogame start from just $5 for the limited early bird, rising up to $1000 which will allow backers to have direct input into the title. Currently Abduction supports HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and OSVR head-mounted displays (HMDs), but stretch goals are in place to widen that support. If the campaign manages to achieve $150,000 then PlayStation VR support will be added, while at $200,000 mobile VR headsets like Google Daydream View, Samsung Gear VR, and Google Cardboard will get support.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Red Iron Labs and its campaign, reporting back with any new updates.