MVR Ascend Issues Update for Kickstarter S1 Screen

Last week VRFocus reported on British company MVR Global launching a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign for its mobile virtual reality (VR) headset, MVR Ascend. Since the launch MVR Global has released several updates showcasing which package would suit which consumers and an improvement to the S1 screen.

The MVR Ascend is a VR HMD system whereby users can stream content from their PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, no matter which title it is via a smartphone. The one issue has been the Xbox One which doesn’t allow streaming to a mobile device so the company has created the S1 screen for Xbox One customers. The recent update for the screen integrates both Android OS and Windows 10, allowing PlayStation 4 and PC streaming as well. This is why on the backing tiers the MVR X1 packages are more expensive due to the additional hardware included.

And for those interested in supporting the Kickstarter campaign, MVR Global has created an easy to read chart highlighting which package will ideally suit an individuals requirements.

MVR Ascend package diagram

MVR Ascend differs from normal HMDs by featuring a custom built sensor that’s positioned on the straps at the back of a players head. This is connected to a gamepad similar in design to a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One controller. The sensor not only allows head movements to be replicated, but it can also be disabled with the controllers trigger for traditional aiming down sights.

The campaign is looking the raise £150,000 GBP and currently sits at just over £11,000. The tier for the headset itself is £79, but backers will really want to look at the higher priced levels which include the controller to get the best from the system. The MVR P1 package for example includes the H1 HMD and P1 controller for streaming PlayStation 4 and PC titles, at a super early bird rate of £129. While the MVR X1 super early bird package of £179 features the H1 HMD, X1 controller and S1 screen.

Head to MVR Ascend’s Kickstarter page for further info, and VRFocus will report back with any more updates.