Earlier today VRFocus reported on Chinese publisher Oasis Games launching first-person shooter (FPS) Pixel Gear for Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) PlayStation VR. Developed by Geronimo Interactive, Pixel Gear is a wave-based FPS with a ghoulish theme and to celebrate the launch and brand new trailer has been released.
Only a very short introduction to the videogame, the trailer none the less showcases what’s in store for players as they stand on an elevated mound to get a good view of the surrounding battlefield. Using a mixture of weaponry players will do battle against hordes of evil Halloween nasties, including witches, skeletons, bats, undead knights and ghouls.
The aim is to clear the waves with the highest score possible, building combos with multi kills and so forth. There are six levels to work through each with a boss at the end. A couple can be seen in the video, a giant dragon can be seen flying overhead in one shot and the trailer ends with a massive rock/lava type monster jumping out of the ground.
To help players on their way there are multiple guns and powerups to unlock, offering greater firepower, longer range, and time slowing abilities.
PlayStation Plus members also get a 20 percent discount off the regular price for a limited time. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Oasis Games, reporting back with any further updates.