Lucid Sight Passes 500,000 Downloads for its VR Experiences

Lucid Sight Inc. a prolific virtual reality (VR) developer that’s released five videogames over the course of 2016 has announced its passed 500,000 downloads.

The studio is behind Poly Runner VR, Gumi No Yume, Space Bit Attack, 405 Road Rage, and the recently released Zombie Strike. Alongside the download achievement the developer has also revealed its heading towards 150,000 monthly active users for October already.


“This is a monumental feat in VR,” said Randy Saaf, CEO and Co-founder at Lucid Sight. “We are tracking to have 150,000 active Oculus users in October, and Oculus Just announced at OC3 that they are doing 1,000,000 users per month.”

Lucid Sight covers a range of platforms, releasing its titles on Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Poly Runner VR for example originally launched on the mobile head-mounted display (HMD) before being ported over to the PC headsets. The studio has also confirmed the title will be coming to Google’s Daydream View device which was finally unveiled last week, showcasing a fabric cover, a price of $79 USD and due to be launched in November.

“While downloads is a great metric, we are most proud of our monthly active users,” said Saaf.  “150,000 active means that people are playing and re-engaging in our games well after the initial download.  Our last two Oculus titles are 4 stars with thousands of reviews.  People like high-quality fun, casual VR gaming.”

Lucid Sight was founded in 2015 with a sole focus on VR. The team, which has over 15 years of experience in the software industry includes Randy Saaf as CEO, Octavio Herrera as COO and Fazri Zubair as COO.

For all the latest Lucid Sight news, keep reading VRFocus.