Head of Mobile at Oculus Says Gear VR Covers 150 Countries With Over 400 Apps

Max Cohen has the best idea in Oculus of how well the Gear VR has done and is currently doing, and the stats that he shared during the Oculus Connect 3, and there are some pretty big milestones that have been reached and are soon to be touched on.

Cohen told of the vast areas that the Gear VR has effected: “We have millions of Gear VR owners across 150 countries right now, and there’s millions more who have tried it. You can actually demo Gear VR in over 15 thousand retail locations in the United States alone. And, the cool thing about this is that this has led to a really vibrant platform.”

max cohen 150 countries

The Gear VR supports 18 languages, but Cohen shared that the top five languages to be used on the platform are English, French, german, Korean Spanish, all of which make up 80% of the content.

The next bit of data he had ready for us was the sheer amount of applications just for mobile: “We have over 400 applications just for mobile on the Oculus platform, and we’re on track to having close to 500 by the end of the year.”

Cohen went on to list the applications that feature on the store, such as sports apps from NextVR, and the rollercoaster rides at the American themepark Sixflags which feature 12 different rides that use the Gear VR, as well as how the Gear VR is helping with medicine such as Kind VR.

For more on the latest news, updates, and features in the world of VR, as well as what’s going on at Oculus Connect 3, check back with VRFocus.